15850 W. Bluemound Rd. Suite 304 • Brookfield, WI 53005 • 262-788-5335

When Your Kids Have to Get Used To a New Step-parent

Mother sitting in a park with her daughter having a conversation

Help them Transition to a New Normal After the emotional roller coaster of a divorce, parents, and children need space to recover and get back on their feet. Hopefully, with time the family can begin to rebuild and get used to their new circumstances. At some point, one or both parents will probably start dating […]

The Critical Pieces of a Strong Parenting Plan

Presumption of Paternity word image

It can be hard to determine the best way to parent with your ex after divorce, especially when there are still fresh wounds. When parents don’t agree on fundamental issues such as education and medical care, it can be even more challenging. While no situation is perfect, there are steps you can take that can […]

Loving What is: Embracing Your Experience and Rebuilding After Divorce

Man sitting in field with dog at sunset

When your marriage ends, your identity as a husband or wife, the composition of your family, and how you envisioned your future can feel like they were suddenly yanked right out of your arms. After your divorce is over, you may be left with painful feelings of loss, uncertain how to move forward with your […]

What Life Looks Like on the Other Side of Divorce

Man sitting on couch in apartment alone

The papers are signed, you live in separate places, and after months of going back and forth, you have finally determined who gets what and have made arrangements for your kids to see each of you. The moment you thought would never come has finally arrived, and it’s time to move on with your life. […]

How to prepare yourself before you file for divorce

Man handing papers up towards camera

When you want to divorce your spouse, it can be a heavy burden. You know once the process starts, nothing between you will ever be the same, and that certain aspects of your life will change dramatically. By taking the time to prepare yourself before you file for divorce, you may be able to help […]

How Positive Thinking and Mindfulness Can Get You Through Your Divorce

Man sitting by tree meditating

It seems like you hear of “positive thinking” and “mindfulness” more and more in popular culture these days. Many believe that by training your mind to focus on the good in your life and what is happening now, you can be more centered and calm. While remaining peaceful and in the present moment are admirable […]

Common Mistakes During Divorce and How to Avoid Them

Woman standing with her fingers touching

Divorce is an area of the law that takes very personal details of a couple’s life through an impersonal legal process. During that time, both people can be emotionally fragile and volatile towards one another. Amid the chaos, each person is going to have to make decisions that will impact them for the rest of […]

Vacationing/holidays as a family after divorce

Mother in airport with her three children

Taking vacations with your children and being together on special days can be the foundation of priceless memories. When your family goes through a divorce, your kids will have to adapt to spending these times with each parent separately. While this can be challenging, there are ways for you and your ex to work together […]

Divorce Support Groups: What to expect

Support group sitting in a circle. 7 people showed in the circle.

Divorce can be one of the most painful and stressful experiences a person can have. Ending a marriage means losing the partner that you hoped to be with for life. When it’s over, you can feel as if everything you believed about your relationship and future has been taken away. After going through this difficult […]