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How to Make the Most of Your Wisconsin Divorce Mediation

Couples going through a Wisconsin divorce have options regarding how to resolve the issues in their case. While it’s always possible to have a court decide, most divorces settle before going to trial. One way to resolve your disputed issues is by using Divorce Mediation. Before beginning the mediation process, you will want to consider how to make the most of your Wisconsin Divorce Mediation.

Understanding the Divorce Mediation Process

Divorce Mediation involves both parties (and their respective attorneys if they are using them) meeting with a trained Mediator who will try to help them facilitate an agreement regarding some or all of their disputed issues. The Mediator is a neutral third party who will be there to work with both sides equally.  The Mediator does not take sides and does not give advice.

The Mediator will meet with the parties (usually together at first, but parties can caucus and meet in separate rooms if that is preferred) to learn more about their disputed issues and perspectives. Typically, parties will want to work with a Mediator who has extensive experience practicing Wisconsin family law and mediating these types of cases.

Depending on your case’s complexity, you and your ex will need to attend several mediation sessions before resolving your case. It’s important to know that what is said during Divorce Mediation negotiations is generally confidential, and if the parties cannot agree, they are free to walk away without settling.

Preparing for Mediation

Once you learn how the process works, your next step will be to prepare for the Divorce Mediation process. Meaningfully participating in mediation usually involves doing more than just showing up and negotiating. In many ways, preparing for Divorce Mediation requires the same level of preparation needed to be ready to go to trial.

To make the most out of the process, you may need to come with documents and information such as:

  • Real estate information
  • Account Statements
  • Budget Information
  • Pay Information
  • Vehicle Titles
  • Tax Records, and
  • Other relevant documents and information

Develop a Mediation Mindset

Before you begin Divorce Mediation, you will want to consider your goals for the process. The more you can clarify your objectives beforehand, the better. That being said, it’s also important to recognize that you will probably need to be willing to compromise on at least some of the issues for the process to be effective.

Most mediations involve the parties compromising on some of their points of contention and developing an agreement they can accept. Having an “all or nothing” mentality can make the process more difficult and less effective. However, going into Divorce Mediation with an open mind or mediation mindset can help make your mediation more productive and efficient.

Maintain Perspective

Divorce Mediation can provide a means for the parties to negotiate and agree upon their disputed terms. Although the process can be cooperative, it can also be frustrating at times. It will help if you do what you can to try and maintain perspective before and during the mediation. Divorce Mediation is a tool that can help you thoughtfully evaluate the issues and settle your case. You will be making decisions that can impact you, your family, and your ability to provide for yourself for years to come. If you are getting upset or frustrated, take a moment and think about your greater and long-term goals and how you can use the process to serve you.

Work with an Experienced Wisconsin Divorce Attorney

The best way to make the most out of Divorce Mediation is by working with an experienced Wisconsin divorce attorney before and during your Divorce Mediation. You and your divorce attorney can evaluate your case issues, establish your goals,  and determine how to protect your interests before, during, and after Divorce Mediation.

Contact a Wisconsin Divorce Attorney

Divorce Mediation can be a useful and important part of your Wisconsin Divorce. If you are contemplating or are involved in a Wisconsin divorce and are considering Divorce Mediation, you will want to work with an experienced Wisconsin divorce attorney. Your counsel will also know how to help you prepare for and participate in mediation.

Wisconsin Attorney and Mediator Karyn Youso of First Look Family Law is an attorney and Mediator with the experience you need to assist you with your Wisconsin divorce. If you have a divorce case in Metro Milwaukee, please contact us today and let us take a “first look” at your situation.