Can I Keep My Divorce Details Private in WI?
Many Divorce Documents Remain Public, Some Do Not There are few experiences more painful and personal than divorce. This legal process can require you to reveal intimate details about your marriage, finances, and relationship with your children. If you are like most people in Wisconsin (and throughout the US), you probably would prefer to keep […]
Shifting from Scarcity Thinking to an Abundance Mentality During Divorce
When you are going through a divorce, it can feel like the main objective is to hold onto everything you have at any cost. For some people, after the case is filed, their first instinct is to panic and respond to their fear by becoming inflexible when it comes to a potential settlement. This reaction […]
Is a Trial Separation Worth the Effort?
Depending on who you ask, the term “trial separation” may mean taking a break from your marriage or living apart temporarily. In most cases, couples who are thinking about separating this way are not ready to move forward with divorce but also recognize they don’t want to live together. If you have been considering this […]
When You Know, It’s Over, Is There a Best Time to Divorce?
Questions to Consider when Going into a Divorce in WI If you have been unhappy in your marriage and have reached a point where you believe the relationship is beyond repair, you may be thinking about filing for divorce. However, when you walk away from a marriage, you know that there will be significant emotional […]
How to Get Past Your Fear of Divorce
Trying to decide whether or not you should get a divorce can be scary. You have no way of predicting what will happen to your life once you file, but you know it will never be the same. Moving ahead with divorce is also taking a definitive step away from having a future with your […]
My Partner Wants a Prenuptial Agreement. Should I Be Worried?
When making plans to get married, the last thing you might expect is for your partner to bring up a prenuptial agreement. If they have never raised the topic before, your first thought might be: Should I be worried? The good news is there are ways to navigate this issue with your future spouse successfully. […]
Planning for the Most Important Terms During Your Divorce
Preparing for a divorce can seem like an overwhelming task. On one hand, you need the presence of mind to concentrate on issues during the case that could impact the rest of your life. On the other hand, it can be difficult to make rational and reasonable decisions when you are dealing with the emotional […]
Why Divorce Mediation May be the Best Option for Wisconsin Residents
Divorce Mediation Services in Brookfield Divorce can be highly emotional, and people often think these cases end with dramatic courtroom hearings. Many are surprised to learn that the majority of divorces end in settlement. There are various ways for the parties to work out an agreement regarding the issues in their case. One method is Divorce […]
Severing the Imagined Connection Between Dishonor and Divorce
Deciding to end a marriage can be agonizing for many reasons. One thing that can hold people back both before and after divorce is feeling shame about the relationship ending. Sometimes the focus can remain on guilt and blame to the point that it’s difficult to see anything else or move on. These negative feelings […]
Recovering from Your Ex’s Emotional Affair
When a partner is physically intimate with someone else during a marriage, there are often irreparable and devastating consequences as soon as the relationship is discovered. An emotional affair is different. It can take months before enough has happened between your spouse and the other person to finally warrant calling their connection an affair. Even […]