Depending on the circumstances, a divorce can either be a relatively short or a long drawn-out process. Some spouses do what they can to end things amicably, while others are hostile and adversarial through every stage. Once the divorce is over, both people are left to get on with their lives. While every divorce is as unique as those involved, there are some things that can be expected when the case is finally over.
You May Not be Done with the Court
Ideally, once you have completed your divorce all of your issues will be settled, and you can walk away from the experience and begin your new life. However, when there are lingering matters such as transferring title to vehicles, changing deeds, and exchanging property, you may have to continue talking with your ex to make sure everything is completed. Further, when spousal maintenance or child support is in place, you could have to return to court to make changes or resolve disagreements.
Parenting is Forever
For parents, the end of the divorce does not end their relationship. You and your ex will be involved with one another by sharing custody and managing child support until your children are grown. After the children reach adulthood, you will probably continue to see your ex at family events, and may still be negotiating holiday schedules with one another. As your relationship shifts from being a married couple to divorced parents, you are going to have to adjust to your new dynamic and find ways to cooperate with one another.

Grieving is Normal
While some divorces are more comfortable than others, when a marriage ends, it is a significant loss. You may have been ready to leave the relationship, but that does not change the fact that the dream you had about spending your life with your former partner is now gone. Experiencing grief is a normal reaction to divorce, and it is essential to recognize and accept your emotions and take time to honor them. You should practice self-compassion and release any expectations regarding how long your grieving process should take. Divorce will have a profound impact on your life, but you will get through the experience and recover.