15850 W. Bluemound Rd. Suite 304 • Brookfield, WI 53005 • 262-788-5335

What is a reasonable amount to pay for a Brookfield/Waukesha divorce?

For many people, going through a divorce may be the first time they have to hire an attorney and go through a legal process. These individuals often have little familiarity with how everything will work and what to expect in terms of legal fees. Even those who have hired counsel before are often unfamiliar with the steps involved during divorce and the rates a Wisconsin family law attorney may charge for their services. If you live in Brookfield or Waukesha, you may be wondering: What is a reasonable amount to pay for a Brookfield/ Waukesha divorce?

The Issues in Your Case

If you are like many people, you may try to get a sense of how much you will have to pay for your divorce by going online or asking friends. While these tactics make sense and may yield limited results, they probably won’t give you a complete and accurate picture of the potential costs associated with your case. Like the people, it involves, a divorce case is multifaceted and unique. One person may have a relatively straightforward divorce involving few issues and assets. By contrast, another case may involve complex holdings and a custodial dispute. Further, some divorces may be more likely to settle early on in the process, while others could be more contentious and involve going to court multiple times. The best way to determine the complexity and potential costs of your Waukesha or Brookfield divorce is by consulting with an experienced divorce attorney.

Attorney’s Fees

When you begin looking into hiring a divorce attorney in Waukesha or Brookfield, you may find that the costs range widely. Some lawyers may offer a flat fee, meaning that they charge a set amount for all legal services. Others may ask for a retainer and quote you their hourly rate. Depending on the complexity of the issues in the case and the parties’ willingness to cooperate, a Waukesha or Brookfield divorce can cost anywhere from a few to tens of thousands of dollars. A lower-cost divorce usually involves the parties agreeing on the terms from the beginning. Mid-range cost divorces tend to involve parties who are willing to negotiate the terms and who may require more assistance from their attorneys during the process. A higher-cost divorce typically means that the parties are experiencing high conflict and are unable or unwilling to negotiate regarding their case. Often, when parties have more conflict, they have higher legal fees.

Ways to Keep Costs Down

When it comes to legal representation during divorce, it is essential that you work with someone you feel will advocate for you and your best interests during the case. Depending on your circumstances, you may need counsel who can provide you with information regarding various issues and stages of your divorce. Having defined goals and an idea about what to expect during the process can help you avoid unnecessary conflict.

One of the best ways to save money on your divorce is by working with an experienced Wisconsin divorce attorney from the beginning. You and your lawyer can review your information and determine the most efficient and cost-effective measures you can take during your case. Your divorce attorney can also assist you in identifying ways to resolve your disputes without incurring additional expenses. For instance, you could use Divorce Mediation to settle your issues and end your case without going to trial. Your attorney may also be able to help you reach a settlement with your ex.

Wisconsin Attorney and Mediator Karyn Youso of First Look Family Law understands the complexities of divorce. She is an attorney and Mediator with over 29 years of experience helping clients understand their options and connect with resources before, during, and after their Wisconsin divorce cases.  Contact us today and let us take a “first look” at your situation.