How to Navigate Online Mediation During Your Wisconsin Divorce

Mediation can be highly beneficial for parties going through a divorce. This process provides each side with the opportunity to work with a neutral third party to settle their issues, reach an agreement, and be done with their case. After the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, mediation, like many other things, went from taking place in person to being conducted virtually. Today, many Wisconsin divorce mediations are still taking place remotely. If you are scheduled for a virtual mediation, you will want to know what to expect and how to best prepare for your meeting. Here is more on how to navigate online mediation during your Wisconsin divorce.

Get Comfortable with Online Features

Whether for a legal dispute, work, or social purposes, meeting online is now considered commonplace. Over the past year, many of us have become well-acquainted with programs such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. That being said, even people familiar with these online platforms may be uncomfortable with them. When you are unacquainted with this technology, it can be distracting and frustrating. This can be especially true during a divorce mediation where the parties may already be tense. Further, if you don’t know how to use a platform during mediation, it can add stress to your interactions and detract from the process and its goals.

If possible, try to find out which program the Mediator plans to use before your mediation date. Be sure to download any necessary programs and components and take time to practice using the platform. You will want to be comfortable using the program features by the date of your mediation.

Another thing that can help during online meditation is practicing patience with yourself and others during the process. Try to remember that everyone is adapting to using virtual features, and there are bound to be mistakes along the way.

Preparing for Online Divorce Mediation

In many ways, preparing for online divorce mediation will be the same as preparing for in-person mediation. You will want to gather all necessary documents and information and have it organized and ready on the date of your meeting. In addition to having copies for yourself, you will want to have your data ready to share or send electronically. You will also want to submit all requested information to the Mediator before the date of the mediation.

Your Mediation Location

One benefit of online mediation is that you will be able to participate from anywhere you like. Being in a comfortable environment can reduce your stress level. If you plan to meditate from home, be sure you can do so in a private and quiet space. If your residence is too active to ensure privacy or uninterrupted time to devote to mediation, you may want to participate from your attorney’s office.

Attorney and Mediator Karyn Youso of First Look Family Law understands the complexities of divorce and the importance of Divorce Mediation. She is an attorney and Mediator with over 29 years of experience helping clients understand their options and connect with resources during and after their Wisconsin divorce cases.