Getting a second opinion during your divorce: it can’t hurt

Get the Advice You Need During Your Divorce

Finding yourself sitting across from a divorce attorney talking about your case for the first time can be surreal. You may be emotional or shocked as you tell this person private details about your marriage, financial assets, and life. As the attorney gives you advice, you may not even fully process what he or she is saying. Once the divorce starts, your counsel will be your voice and negotiate on your behalf, but what do you do if you have concerns after the case begins? When you feel your divorce case is not going in the right direction, it can’t hurt to get a second opinion.

You can Find Out What is Reasonable

When you don’t know very much about the divorce process, some of what goes on may seem unnecessary. When you consult with another attorney about your case, it can help you determine if what your current counsel is doing is standard practice or outside of the norm. For instance, your attorney may be encouraging you to settle when you want to go to trial. Getting a second opinion can help you decide if your attorney’s advice makes sense for your situation.

It can Improve Confidence in Your Counsel

If you are not a divorce attorney, it can be hard to recognize when you are receiving appropriate guidance during your case. Sometimes, talking with another attorney will result in the same or similar advice. Hearing the same thing from two independent sources may improve your confidence in your current representative.

You can Explore Alternatives

Unbeknownst to you, you may have selected an attorney who has a particular litigation style that does not match your personality or preferences. Often, people hire divorce attorneys because they have an aggressive reputation. Depending on the circumstances, being antagonistic may not be the right approach. By getting a second opinion, you can learn about different options.

You May Find You Need Someone Else

Getting a second opinion can also tell you that you need a different representation. Your attorney may be legally competent but just not the right person for you. Changing counsel and transferring information can take time, so this is something you want to know sooner rather than later.

At First Look Family Law, we have extensive experience with helping our clients evaluate their circumstances and identify what they need. Call us today to set up a consultation so we can take a “first look” and talk with you about your next steps.