15850 W. Bluemound Rd. Suite 304 • Brookfield, WI 53005 • 262-788-5335

How to handle step-sibling conflict

Boy and girl sitting together talking

Today, it’s not unusual for divorced parents to marry other parents and combine households. Although kids can be adaptable and resilient, going from being in a single-parent family to living with other children and a new stepparent can be a difficult adjustment. Thus, a step-sibling conflict may arise. Children can get jealous and have a […]

What is the guardian ad litem supposed to be doing in my Wisconsin custody case?

Guardian ad litem talking with young girl

Going through a divorce with children is stressful under any circumstances, but it can be especially hard when parents disagree on placement and custody. In Wisconsin, if you and your ex can’t agree on where your children should live and how decisions will be made, the court can appoint a guardian ad litem to advocate […]

My child won’t see me: What are my options?

Mom talking with upset daughter while sitting on couch

When divorcing parents are fighting each other, they can unintentionally (or intentionally) put their kids in the middle of conflicts. As a result, children can feel powerless and desperate to exert control over any aspect of their situation, including their placement schedule. When a child refuses to see a parent, it could be for different […]

Signs your ex may be exposing your kids to the wrong people

Boy sitting on floor crying

Sharing time with your kids after a divorce can be a difficult adjustment even when you and your ex are on the same page when it comes to rules, discipline, and parenting styles. It can be a lot harder when you have concerns about your ex’s judgment regarding who is appropriate to have around your […]

What to do when your spouse doesn’t want to divorce, but you do

Man and women arguing

By the time you are ready to file for divorce, you have probably spent endless hours soul-searching and months, or even years, trying to make your marriage work. Before making this decision, you may have pleaded with your husband or wife to go to couples counseling only to be met with resistance. Once you have […]

Divorce when you have teenage children

Parents angry not facing each other with teen boy in between them

When parents of adolescents split up, the children have to contend with the pain of divorce and the ordinary challenges of their stage of development. While it may seem that being older and closer to adulthood would make it easier, teens are still children, and going through the experience of losing the only family they […]

Managing your child’s gender identity issues as divorced parents

Collage of different faces.

Today, it has become more common to hear of children identifying as transgender. When families live together, parents can address their child’s gender identity needs on a day-to-day basis. However, managing your child’s gender identity as a divorced parent can present challenges. If possible, Plan During the Divorce In some instances, a child’s identification as […]

Raising your children after divorce when you and your ex have different religions

Father and daughter outside of church

Today, parents having different religions is more commonplace in our society. Families in this situation usually find their own unique ways of managing issues and answering questions that may come up from their kids. However, when parents of different faiths divorce, raising their children while honoring their respective beliefs can become complicated. Here are some […]

Going it Alone: How to help your kids cope when their other parent is gone

Young lady sitting listening to music while sad

When parents divorce and kids have to get used to sharing placement time, it can be a rough adjustment. However, when one parent vanishes or simply absences him/herself, children have to deal with losing the only family they have ever known as well as a parent relationship. At a time like this, it can be […]

5 Ways to Make Placement Transitions for Children Easier After Divorce

Father leaving son with mother after visit

Adjusting to life as a family after divorce is difficult for everyone, especially kids. While your children are still getting used to the concept of you and your ex living in different homes, they have to start going back and forth for placement time. Depending on their ages and feelings about the situation, your kids […]