15850 W. Bluemound Rd. Suite 304 • Brookfield, WI 53005 • 262-788-5335

What to do when in-laws are interfering with your relationship with your kids

Three generations sitting on couch. Grandmother talking to daughter, daughter is upset while holding her son.

Sometimes in-law relationships can be tricky, especially when you have children. In some situations, an ex’s well-intended but overly involved relatives who were an annoyance during your marriage, can become more so after divorce. However, in others, a former in-law may be crossing the line when it comes to you and your children. Here are […]

Getting a second opinion during your divorce: it can’t hurt

Man and woman sitting at a desk shaking hands

Get the Advice You Need During Your Divorce Finding yourself sitting across from a divorce attorney talking about your case for the first time can be surreal. You may be emotional or shocked as you tell this person private details about your marriage, financial assets, and life. As the attorney gives you advice, you may not even […]

Cohabitation and Divorce

Cohabitation agreement text on paper

Once a divorce is final, it would seem that both people could go their separate ways. However, for some former couples, moving out of the marital home and setting up independent lives isn’t financially realistic. In this circumstance, the pair may have to live together even though they are no longer married. While cohabitation after […]

Why you should always consult with a lawyer if you plan to use a pre-nuptial agreement

Two men sitting at table taking notes

When two people decide to get married, one or both may enter the relationship with considerable wealth, dependent children or other relatives, or other separate property. In any of these situations, the couple may decide that entering into a pre-marital or pre-nuptial agreement makes sense. However, there are reasons why you should always consult with […]

Difference between marital, pre-marital, gifted and inherited assets, and why it matters

Man separating four blocks in half. Each block has one item: A Pet, a car, money and kids.

Getting engaged is an exciting time when couples make plans for the future. For some, these plans may include making decisions about property and funds before tying the knot. Knowing the difference between marital, pre-marital, gifted, and inherited assets and why it matters, can help couples understand their property interests and plan for tomorrow. Community […]

Is it worth it to go to marriage counseling before filing for divorce?

Man and woman sitting on couch talking to therapist.

When a couple believes their marriage may be ending, they may decide to try marriage counseling before initiating divorce. However, it can be hard to predict if seeing a counselor will make any difference in repairing the relationship, raising the question: Is it worth it to go to marriage counseling before filing for divorce? Under […]

Do my ex-in-laws have a right to visitation?

Grandfather gardening with grandson

When you divorce with minor children, it’s likely you and your ex will share placement and custody. This will mean cooperating in terms of your shared parenting schedule, but what happens when your ex’s family wants time with your kids too? Do my ex-in-laws have a right to visitation with my children?  Wisconsin Law Wisconsin […]