What Does it Take to Find Happiness with Someone Else After Divorce?
Dating after divorce can be a delicate proposition. At first, putting yourself out there and taking a chance on someone new can be difficult, especially when you are still regaining your confidence. Once you have gotten used to dating, you may meet a person you want to see exclusively. In this situation, you may wonder: […]
5 Ways You Can Help Your Family Heal After Divorce
Divorce is never easy for anyone, even when both parties are relatively civil. For families, a divorce involves more than parents just dividing their things and setting up separate households and a placement time schedule. The experience takes a significant emotional toll on both parents and children. After the divorce, kids will need time and […]
How to Navigate Online Mediation During Your Wisconsin Divorce
Mediation can be highly beneficial for parties going through a divorce. This process provides each side with the opportunity to work with a neutral third party to settle their issues, reach an agreement, and be done with their case. After the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, mediation, like many other things, went from taking place […]
Dealing with Your Emotional Triggers and Your Divorce
When you are going through a divorce, there may be times when you feel dejected, angry, and insecure. This difficult process can set off some or all of these emotions without warning. The next thing you know, you may be overwhelmed by painful feelings and negative messages that interfere with your ability to make decisions. […]
Understanding Variable Costs and Wisconsin Child Support
In Wisconsin, a support order for a child’s essential needs is meant to pay for food, shelter, clothing, transportation, personal care, and incidental recreational expenses. As many parents can tell you, the amount ordered for basic child support rarely covers all of a child’s expenses. In reality, raising kids often involves paying several costs beyond […]
Managing Relocation and Divorce
Moving, like divorce, can be an intensely stressful experience. Having to do both simultaneously can make these already difficult processes that much harder. Managing relocation and divorce may be challenging, but it is possible to get through these experiences and start over. Processing Change When you have to relocate to a new home or community […]
When Does Adultery Matter in a Wisconsin Divorce?
Finding out your spouse has been unfaithful can be devastating on multiple levels. Without warning, the affair can set off a chain of events that will ultimately end in divorce. From the injured spouse’s perspective, it may seem like their ex’s infidelity will be the single most crucial issue during divorce. However, during a Wisconsin […]
What Does it Take to Craft a Successful Settlement?
During your divorce, it may seem that every action in your case is taken with the goal of having a final hearing. Although it may feel as if a courtroom battle is inevitable, it’s more likely that your case will end in settlement. There is a lot at stake during a divorce, and parties often […]
Creating a Successful Co-parenting Routine
For many parents, life after divorce involves having to quickly adjust from being legal adversaries to co-parenting their kids. This can be challenging, especially when there is residual tension from the divorce. The good news is that there are things you can do that may make it easier to work with your ex. By creating […]
Understanding the Right of First Refusal
When parents of minor children divorce, one of the most important and complex issues they will face is deciding how to divide placement time. Figuring out a schedule often requires them to strike a careful balance between wanting to be with their kids and doing what’s best for them. Parents often have to accept seeing […]