Is my Prenup Enforceable?
Getting ready to walk down the aisle with the one you love usually involves making plans about sharing your new life and home together. For some, these preparations may also include making sure both partners and their assets and other loved ones, are protected through a prenuptial agreement. When prospective spouses take the time to […]
What if my spouse/children and I live in different states, and I want a divorce?
When marriages end, it’s not usually a simple matter of filing a few documents with the local court and making a clean break. Sometimes, husbands and wives separate hoping to reconcile later, but later realize the relationship is over. What can complicate matters is when your ex has moved to another state and you are […]
Are my Spouse and I a Good Choice for the Mediation Process?
When you know you and your spouse are headed for divorce, you may think you will be facing unpleasant court hearings and a lengthy trial. The truth is that most divorces are settled outside of the courtroom. One of the ways that parties can reach a workable agreement is through mediation. If you are getting […]
Why Would a Court Grant Sole Custody and Primary Placement?
When parents divorce or are no longer together, they can enter into agreements regarding how they will share decision-making and time with their kids, or a court can decide for them. Although Wisconsin law favors parents being equally involved in their children’s lives, there can be situations in which one parent will have less decision-making […]
How long does it take to get divorced?
When you are thinking about getting divorced, you have to consider all of the ways your life will change once you are no longer married. One of the first things you will probably want to know is: How long does it take to get divorced? Wisconsin Divorce In Wisconsin, the law requires a waiting period of […]
What’s the difference between civil union, domestic partnership, and marriage?
Recently, the definition of legal marriage in the US has gone through some significant changes. Before the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, several states offered legal protections to same-sex couples through civil unions and domestic partnerships. Today, although same-sex couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples to marry, civil unions […]
What is a No-Fault Divorce
When a couple is going through a divorce, there can be a lot of finger-pointing. While both parties may feel the other is to blame for the end of the marriage, proving who is more responsible is not required in a no-fault divorce. So, what is a no-fault divorce? What is a No-Fault Divorce? A […]
What Can I Do if I Think my Ex is Hiding Money During Divorce?
When you or your spouse file for divorce, everything between you will be changed forever. Once your case is commenced, there are rules about how you have to behave towards one another and handle your shared property. What if you suspect that your ex has taken dishonest financial steps in anticipation of the case? In […]
Divorce When You Own a Family Business
For some, owning a family business can be a dream come true that leads to generations of stability and a lasting legacy. For others, it can be a source of financial and marital stress. Regardless of the situation, when you own a family business, divorce can be extremely complicated. Deciding on the Future Depending on […]
Understanding Wisconsin Child Support
When you are a parent going through a divorce, determining what kind of financial support is going to be needed for your children is critical. As the receiving party, you may believe you have to anticipate every possible expense and hope that you will have enough to provide for your kids. If you are the […]